Saturday, 12 July 2014



Some times in life, things are not the way we expect them. some time eating becomes a problem. When we were very young there are some kind of food or soup that gives us relief when we return from school and our parents are not at home.
       In some cases groundnut becomes very important, we grind this groundnut with peeper, with little salt to give it a taste, you make it taste better if you have the benin native spice (evbarie). It is eaten without been boiled. it can be used to eat solid food like eba and fufu.
      If you can get cent leaf (ebavbonkhor), you have save some day. Get the leaf, squeeze and wash, then grinde very well, so it can be very smooth. add crayfish, salt any spice if you have any. Then you boil this time. This kind of soup you can save for other days.
     But go buy your good meals immediately you become buoyant

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