Sunday 19 October 2014

Tomato Sauce

Ingredients for six people (and our little baby), you can increase or decrease depending on the number of persons you are looking to serve.
5 ripe Plantains
Yam (half kg)
Ten balls of tomatoes (for the sauce)
Irish potatoes (5 to 10 medium size)
Sweet Potatoes (2 to 3 medium size)
Fresh pepper to taste (for the sauce)
1 bulb of onions (for the tomato sauce
Salt to taste
1 cube of knorr or maggi
Groundnut/vegetable oil
I bet you probably know how to fry the yam, potatoes and plantain but I am just going to go over it in a rush before we talk about making tomato sauce.
Peel off the back of the yam, do the same for the Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes and plantain, then slice to any size of your choice and deep fry. It is necessary to add a little bit of salt after slicing, some people add salt to the oil but that is not adviceable.
Fry for few minutes always turning up and down to avoid burning.
Here is how we make tomato sauce for the recipe above.
You can use a frying pan or a cooking pot to make the sauce.
Set the pot on fire, add about 20cl of groundnut/vegetable oil, allow to heat then pour in the chopped or blended tomatoes/pepper.
Fry for about ten minutes and add the onions. Fry (while stirring occasionally for another ten to fifteen minutes to lose the lousy sour taste, add a cube of maggi, salt, you can also add fluted pumpkin
(although it wasn’t used in the recipe above).
Taste for salt and pepper.
You can serve with the fried yam, potatoes, plantain and of course a cup tea.
I like this best when served with pap (akamu),
Akamu (pap, ogi) is very simple to prepare, it takes the same process as custard.

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